Sold Out - $ 45.00
Many photos of the early – war period show German infantry on the march looking tired but successful... Is this gunner’s next stop Paris... or Moscow?
Sold Out - $ 45.00
MG34's used up prodigious amounts of belted ammo and so other soldiers in the gunner’s section were detailed to “hump” additional boxes of ammunition.
Sold Out - $ 59.00
It was not just officers that were issued with expensive field binoculars. Even junior NCO's managed to beg, borrow or steal a good pair of binos for their personal use....
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Classic figure in a classic WW2 pose.
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This guy looks happy and relaxed…does he not know what lies ahead?
Sold Out - $ 65.99
Marching on those dusty Russian roads is a thirsty business...
$ 60.00
Another of the “Soldaten” has been tasked with moving a crate of ammunition.
Sold Out - $ 195.00
This ubiquitous German fighting vehicle could be seen on every German battlefield from the Caucasus in Russia to Cyrenaica in Libya and all points in between. Our battle-weary, dust covered...
$ 200.00
A three-colour camouflage version of this ubiquitous German Half Track. Perfect for the period 1943-45. -
Sold Out - $ 49.00
The Germans, especially on the Eastern Front, believed in “living off the land”…Here a smiling “soldaten” rejoins his comrades with a “liberated” pig under one arm.
Sold Out - $ 89.00
A German medic tends to the arm-wound of this soldier. It's serious enough to demand treatment but not bad enough to be sent to the rear... unfortunately for him!
Sold Out - $ 55.00
The first commander wears the “classic” black Waffen SS wrap around iacket" and SS officers field gray service cap. Figure 2 wears the reversible winter smock and the black Panzer...
$ 275.00
By the middle of 1942 many German vehicles were being camouflaged…including the Czech-made 38(t). Here is our version…
$ 55.00
How can you possibly have roast pork without some tasty apple sauce? This other Wehrmacht soldier been to visit a local orchard and came back with the obvious solution!
$ 189.00
This medium-sized half track was one of the "workhorse" vehicles of the German Army during WW2. Our field grey version comes with a driver and a detachable canopy allowing collectors...
Sold Out - $ 189.00
As you all know, the Germans were quick to adapt any vehicle to their specific needs as and when they arose. This camouflaged Demag sports prominent red cross markings but...
Sold Out - $ 89.00
Two more “classic” Wehrmacht infantrymen who fit easily into WS229 or perhaps other German vehicles.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
A company runner races forward to pass on a vital message…
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Rifle in one hand this soldier reaches back for the written order.
$ 55.00
This lying prone radio operator is attempting to stay in contact with other elements of his company.
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This dynamic soldier has just thrown one grenade at the enemy. Already he has another in his left hand.....
Sold Out - $ 45.00
This lying prone officer is taking his place in the front line aiming carefully at the approaching enemy.
$ 55.00
This lying prone officer is taking his place in the front line aiming carefully at the approaching enemy. RETIRED - LAST ONE!!!
$ 55.00
This prone MG34 gunner is laying down a blanket of fire while his comrades maneuver.
$ 55.00
One of the “walking wounded” making his way towards the company medic for treatment.
Sold Out - $ 169.00
Based originally on the Mercedes - Benz 170 this vehicle had its origins during the early 1930’s in the company’s wish to produce an economy class car in addition to...
Sold Out - $ 89.00
A kneeling “mechanic” bends down to make a roadside-repair while his companion anxiously looks at his watch and seems to say…”Just how long is this going to take!?!
$ 55.00
The Waffen SS were among the biggest users of foreign weapons…This “Handschar” man is holding the Czech-made “ZBvz26” light machine gun…the original of the British Bren Gun.
$ 55.00
This “Handschar” NCO is definitely making his point!!!
$ 189.00
One of the iconic German wartime vehicles was the “Opel Blitz.” It performed a multitude of different tasks but perhaps none so important as a “Field Ambulance.” This new K&C...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Although wearing his white doctor’s coat this figure is still a military officer. Here, he consults a patient’s chart.
Sold Out - $ 89.00
A sitting wounded soldier has his wound rebandaged by a standing Red Cross nurse.
Sold Out - $ 89.00
Another nurse bids farewell to a wounded soldier as he prepares to return to his unit. Actually, he might not be as keen as her to get back into the...
Sold Out - $ 49.00
A seriously wounded soldier lies peacefully on his hospital cot – only too happy to have clean sheets, a little peace and quiet and three hot meals a day.
Sold Out - $ 40.00
Perhaps the patient has returned to his unit…been transferred elsewhere…or succumbed to his wounds. Whatever the reason…the bed will not be empty for long!
Sold Out - $ 229.00
The "Ausf.G" version was reckoned, by most Panther crews, to be the best of all and the new K&C "Ausf.G." is certainly the best we have manufactured! Our model represents...
$ 89.00
Elsewhere, a Wehrmacht officer reels backwards…A female Russian sniper has found her mark – “One bullet…one dead fascist!”
$ 55.00
This Opel Blitz Ambulance driver is enjoying a well-earned smoke and a bottle of beer before returning to the front…and more casualties!
Sold Out - $ 155.00
A German medic assisted by another Wehrmacht soldier carry one of the wounded to safety.
$ 55.00
This senior officer listens as one of his subordinates briefs him on the current battlefield situation.
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A steel-helmeted officer gives that briefing to the General.
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As the officer briefs the general his ADC has a closer look at the enemy position.
Sold Out - $ 90.00
The first of 2 x 2-man sets of gunners in action.