$ 199.00
This great-looking four-man set portrays a forlorn-looking Mussolini just a few minutes after his rescue walking with his hands dug deep into the pockets of his long, black overcoat... On his head a black ‘Fedora’ hat pulled well down a far cry from the proud and strutting, uniformed leader of just a few years before. By the dictator’s side is the tall, confident figure of Hauptsturmfuhrer Otto Skorzeny, Himmler’s chosen man to accompany the Luftwaffe Fallschirmjagers on this dangerous mission. Skorzeny, although a Waffen SS officer, is wearing the tropical uniform of a Paratroop Officer. The reason for this is that it was felt that German Luftwaffe airmen would be more ‘acceptable’ to Mussolini’s captors than SS men...! Flanking both men are TWO actual Fallschirmjagers... One officer and one enlisted man... It’s interesting to note that while the officer carries the well-known Schmeisser MP40 machine pistol, his junior carries the revolutionary FG-42 Assault Rifle. This weapon, built in small numbers, was very advanced for its time but too costly and utilized too many precious metals to be manufactured in great quantities. Both of our Fallschirmjagers are wearing the ‘Tropical’ versions of their camouflage smocks and the light Khaki, loose-fitting trousers. This set also comes in its own Labeled box.
$ 119.00
Retired Item. FJ018 FJ Motorcycle Scout
$ 155.00
At the height of the Battle of Britain in 1940 Chief of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Goering was becoming increasingly impatient with his air force's inability to decisively crush the Royal...
$ 60.00
A standing Fallschirmjager NCO (non commissioned officer) blows his whistle to bring together all his men now that their mission is complete.