$ 120.00
A Southerner was, on average, considered a superior horseman to his northern counterpart, especially early in the war. Roads in the rural south were generally poor, and horses were more for individual transportation and not carriages and streetcars as was common in the urbanized north – many of the early union cavalry regiments were formed of this pedigree. Confederate soldiers owned their horses and were compensated monthly. However, if a soldier’s horse was sick, injured, or killed, the soldier was responsible for returning home and replacing the horse at his own expense. Many of the most flamboyant cavalry characters of the war came from the south: J.E.B Stuart; Turner Ashby; John Singleton Mosby; and Nathan Bedford Forrest, the “Wizard of the Saddle.”
$ 240.00
1/30 scaleMatte Finish 5 Piece Set and Accessories Limited Edition of 500 Sets
$ 200.00
Give ’Em Canister! Confederate 12-Pound Napoleon with Crew Canister is an anti-personnel, light artillery load that turned the cannon into an enormous shotgun. Canister was just that, a metal can which contained many...
$ 125.00
NEW! IN STOCK!! Confederate General Lee’s Headquarters Flag, Mounted Flagbearer, No.2 This wool and cotton banner served as the headquarters flag for General Lee from June 1862 until the summer...
$ 48.00
Confederate Infantry Marching Waving Cap Wearing Depot Jacket The Richmond Depot jacket, commonly used by Confederate soldiers throughout the entire Civil War are known to exist in various styles....