Sold Out - $ 50.00
The commander of the famous 7th Cavalry and already a hero from the Civil War. Custer together with 210 of his men would perish on and around Last Stand Hill"...
$ 129.00
Next to “Sitting Bull”, probably the most famous of the Sioux war chiefs was Crazy Horse. An Oglala Lakota he took up arms against the U.S. government because of their...
$ 59.00
Proudly wearing a buffalo head dress (complete with horns) this running Sioux brave carries his war shield, club and….a U.S. Army revolver.
$ 129.00
A mounted Cheyenne “Dog Soldier” brandishing a captured Cavalry pistol and carrying his war shield.
$ 129.00
This well-known chief reins in his pony as he gets ready to fire.
$ 129.00
One of the Sioux’s most noted war-chiefs “Rain-In-The-Face” was a Lakota and famous among the tribe for his fighting ability and leadership. Here he is riding into battle, with his...
$ 129.00
A mounted Arapaho ally of the Sioux and Cheyenne at the battle he gallops forward eager to come to grips with the hated “Long Knives”.
$ 59.00
A kneeling warrior complete with buffalo head dress and a captured cavalry carbine.
$ 49.00
One of the youngest participants in the battle… just 13… but with bow and arrow and ready to fight for his tribe and family.
$ 45.00
One of the most controversial figures of the battle… He and his command were supposed to ride to Custer’s aid… He held back, preferring to support Major Marcus Reno’s beleaguered...
$ 99.00
One of the hated “Longknives” lies sprawled at the feet of this Apache Warrior. His cartridge belt and revolver will find a new owner!
$ 55.00
Reaching back to extract a fresh cartridge for his “Springfield” rifle.
Sold Out - $ 199.00
In the climactic scene of the movie Pike Bishop (Willian Holden) leads three of his gang, "Dutch' Engstrom, (Ernest Borgnine) and two brothers, Lyle and Tector Gorch (Warren Oates and...
$ 95.00
Although these two grizzled veterans of Texas law enforcement saw more than their fair share of “Indian Fighting” neither, fortunately for them, was at the Little Bighorn on that fateful...
$ 55.00
Taza (1843-1876) succeeded his father as warchief of the Chiricahuas when the latter died in 1874. A brave and resourceful warrior in his own right... He was also a skilled...
$ 49.00
As K&C collectors already know... I love movies ... ‘war movies’ and ‘westerns’ in particular. This figure is based on a great little movie called “Chato’s Land”, starring the late...
Sold Out - $ 65.00
An alternative version of an earlier release complete with captured troop guidon.
Sold Out - $ 129.00
A Cheyenne ‘Dog Soldier’ ready to take on Custer’s 7th Cavalry or maybe just acting as a scout for a marauding War Party. However you choose to use him he...
$ 129.00
A companion piece to TRW135... This sergeant has the colourful Regimental Standard of the 5th U.S. Cavalry... with ‘moveable’ head of course.
$ 45.00
One of Custer’s trumpeters blows a forlorn bugle in the vain hope that either Major Reno or Captain Benteen or perhaps both of them will hear the call and ride...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Another forlorn trooper has been struck in the head by an Indian warrior’s club or tomahawk... Partially blinded by his wound he attempts to crawl to safety...
$ 45.00
This Cavalry NCO hugs the ground to make the smallest target for the Sioux and Cheyenne marksmen... Unfortunately no firing position is completely safe from Indian arrows fired up and...
Sold Out - $ 129.00
This Northern Cheyenne warrior, armed with a lance and shield helped defend the tribal lodges east of the main village on the Little Big Horn in the early stage of...
$ 129.00
A Southern Cheyenne dog soldier who has the distinction of being the warrior who actually killed Custer!
$ 129.00
A Lakota Sioux killed fighting on ‘Reno Hill’. Here we see him being shot off his horse on June 25, 1876.
$ 179.00
Here is one such example... A young warrior and his horse have misjudged their approach to an already wounded and enraged buffalo... The angry beast turns suddenly goring the horse's...
$ 129.00
Another mounted Indian prepares to dispatch the wounded buffalo with a well-aimed lance thrust deep into the animal’s body. This same warrior can also be imagined fighting at the ‘Little...
$ 125.00
As his wounded horse writhes in pain this dismounted corporal, cavalry pistol in hand prepares to meet his end.
$ 125.00
Another of Custer’s men attempts to control his panicking horse as the animal desperately tries to escape the murderous mayhem all around.
$ 59.00
A Sioux bowman strings another arrow to fire at the hated ‘Longknives’!
Sold Out - $ 129.00
Lying dead with two arrows in his chest this sergeant is next to his dead mount.
$ 129.00
It’s not easy to shoot accurately from a galloping horse but this particular Sioux warrior is willing to try.