$ 220.00
2 Afrika Korps Military Police, an Italian Guard and a roadblock and guard box!
Sold Out - $ 289.00
This Panzer III desert camouflaged model comes with plenty of jerry cans; full of extra gasoline as well as 2 great crew figures.
$ 150.00
Using a captured 81mm Mortar an AK corporal directs his 2-man crew to lay down a carpet of deadly mortar fire.
Sold Out - $ 275.00
An all-new German halftrack - The SdKfz 11, a 3-ton artillery tractor that could haul most anti tank guns as well as flak guns and most kinds of towed artillery.
Sold Out - $ 300.00
AK27 The F18 Field Howitzer This 10.5cm artillery piece comes with a 5-man gun crew in action poses. Also Note: The gun barrel elevates and depresses and the trail legs open and close...
Sold Out - $ 300.00
An upgraded version of an earlier K&C release. This nifty little German tank comes with an aerial recognition flag on the rear...an AK tank commander and...3 fighting Italian Blackshirt" infantry...
$ 215.00
A very useful desert variation on WS090 complete with fully detailed cab interior... removable rear canopy... rolling wheels... an AK Driver and a battle-worn paint finish
$ 289.00
A Desert" version of our FoB "Stug". This set completes with our 2 tank crew in AK uniform. A great little model!"
$ 160.00
This 3-man seated rifle set has been designed to fit neatly into one side of our AK Blitz" truck."
Sold Out - $ 105.00
2-man add on set... also seated... carrying MG34 and MP40.
Sold Out - $ 215.00
A newer version of an old favourite 4 kneeling and sitting AK trooper
$ 249.00
This desert version of our recent BBG release was always planned as a double-release" and here it is. A dust-weathered, mottled-brown on sand camouflaged radio truck is a welcome addition...
$ 375.00
This is a large product package - additional shipping charges will apply During the war in North Africa, Erwin Rommel believed in being in as many places as he could,...
$ 189.00
AK077 “AK Captured Morris CS8 15cwt. Truck” (Series 250) As virtually everyone knows the German Army made much use of “captured” enemy vehicles throughout the war… Rommel’s Afrika Korps were no exception! Here, complete with driver,...
Sold Out - $ 249.00
Based on a Panzer 1 tank chassis this self-propelled gun mounts a 4.7 cm Czech-made Skoda gun and was the first German tank destroyer of WW2. Our model comes with...
Sold Out - $ 349.00
-CONSIGNMENT ITEM- This vehicle is preowned, and in mint condition. Original box is included. This is the third and final version of this popular German tank…and it’s in “Dunkelgelb” which...
Sold Out - $ 219.00
During his time in North Africa, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel made use of several different vehicles to get around the battlefield – both German and captured British. Two of his...
$ 249.00
Five AK infantry ‘half-body’ soldiers taking cover behind their long, sand-bagged trench. Included in this set is the full curved trench itself sand-bagged on all sides. Inside are a section...
$ 179.00
They say ‘attack is the best form of defence’ and these 4 Afrika Korps soldiers are going on the offensive! As the AK officer cautiously moves forward he aims his...
$ 52.00
A brand-new sculpt of probably K&C's most popular German General... Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel, better known as 'The Desert Fox'.Already a highly-decorated veteran of WW1, Rommel stayed in the military...
$ 52.00
Among the uniforms Rommel took with him when he transferred to North Africa was this standard Wehrmacht 'White Summer Uniform' jacket which was introduced in the 1930s in pre war...
$ 295.00
A typical Middle Eastern brick and dried-mud entrance to a village or small town. Above the open gate is a walkway for watchmen or guards to patrol.
$ 275.00
A very versatile (like all the other DV structures) that can be utilized in a wide variety of settings and historical periods.
$ 256.00
A key feature of any small village or town in the Middle and Near East was the Watchtower. From this high vantage point any strangers could be seen as they approached...