Sold Out - $ 179.00
This special 5-figure parade set features five Leibstandarte ‘rank and file’ standing strictly to attention and ‘presenting arms’ for inspection or providing a guard of honour for a visiting dignitary.
Sold Out - $ 349.00
This 10-figure set comes in a special presentation box and includes one LAH officer in command of nine LAH ‘presenting arms’
Sold Out - $ 89.00
Carrying the Reich Battle Ensign" this leading Seaman marches forth."
$ 75.00
In cities like Munich, Nuremburg and, of course, Berlin, street architecture was utilized by the Nazis to help frame"" their displays and rallies. A pair of typical ""Germanic"" eagles in...
$ 55.00
Hierl led the RAD almost from its foundation in the early 1930’s and during WW2. This particular figure is a re-issue from a previously released one and is perfect to...
Sold Out - $ 59.00
The Blood Flag or “Blutfahne” was supposedly carried during Hitler’s failed attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government in Munich in 1923. It was said to have been stained with the...
$ 40.00
Obersturmbannführer "Sepp" Dietrich
Sold Out - $ 199.00
When the Leibstandarte was incorporated into the Waffen SS this was one of the first armoured vehicles they were equipped with. The set includes the vehicle commander.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
A pre-war Von Runstedt on a tour-of-inspection.
$ 35.00
Belting out a traditional German marching song as he parades by.
Sold Out - $ 69.00
LAH164 Pre 1933 SS Man Marching w/ Rifle
$ 75.00
Mace in hand this veteran Musik-leiter" leads his men on parade."
Sold Out - $ 159.00
This is a large product package - additional shipping charges will apply This 2-storey facade has been specially – designed to go with our earlier facade releases but boast a...
Sold Out - $ 69.00
The 34 year old Himmler wears the standard black “Algemeine SS” uniform (designed by Hugo Boss) and peak cap. Of minor interest is that he still wears the brown SA...
$ 65.00
This Sturmabteilung “brownshirt” belongs to one of the Munich S.A. units as his banner testifies.
Sold Out - $ 59.99
A senior SS Regimental Commander goose-steps past, his right arm in the familiar “Hitler Salute”.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
A junior SS subaltern, sword in right hand, eyes to the front, goose-steps past.
Sold Out - $ 55.00
Another SS standard bearer with the National Flag.
Sold Out - $ 59.00
This “standing-at-ease” SS “Scharfuhrer” is in charge of the sentries and armed with a P.08 “Luger” pistol.
$ 65.00
The officer, with sword drawn, that accompanies LAH188.
Sold Out - $ 89.00
Two of the most dangerous characters in the Nazi Hierarchy... and the most well-known (after Hitler) ... Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and his deputy, SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich. Here we...
Sold Out - $ 229.00
The Führer, clutching a badly bruised right arm walks together with Field Marshal Keitel, Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goring and Head of the Reich Chancellery Martin Bormann on their way to...
$ 55.00
Standing behind his podium and gesticulating wildly one of Hitler’s most loyal and trusted associates Reichminister Goebbels served as Propaganda Chief of the Third Reich before and during WWII. A...
$ 49.00
No leading personality in the Third Reich had as many or as varied uniforms than the large and imposing figure who commanded the Luftwaffe. Goring had almost as much passion...
$ 52.00
‘Sepp’ Dietrich (1892-1966) was the first leader of the “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” and rose from being Hitler’s personal bodyguard and driver to commander of the 6th Panzer Army. A much...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
SS man on Parade… Goosestepping
Sold Out - $ 119.00
Following the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939 the SS changed over to the “feldgrau” colour of uniform from their traditional all-black, pre war ones. Himmler and Heydrich again step...
Sold Out - $ 69.00
Munich’s bierkellers saw the birth of the National Socialist movement and all that came with it... One of the bierkeller serving wenches.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Another of Munich’s frauleins with a handful of full beersteins.
Sold Out - $ 65.00
Accompanying Hitler is the Head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, looking over his troops and clutching his ceremonial SS Dagger.
Sold Out - $ 79.99
In 1936 the SS purchased a small porcelain factory to, in the words of Reichsfuhrer SS Himmler, “enhance the culture of the SS state!” It was called “Allach Porcelain”. Between...
Sold Out - $ 49.00
Eva Anna Paula Braun (1912-1945) was Adolf Hitler’s mistress from 1932 until one day before he and she committed suicide in the Fuhrerbunker in May 1945. For several years Eva...
Sold Out - $ 89.00
A casually-dressed Riefenstahl leans over her cameramen during the filming of one of her epic documentaries. In addition to her civilian crew she could and did make full use of...
Sold Out - $ 60.00
Another of Riefenstahl’s many cameramen... This time behind the viewfinder of a tripod-mounted Arriflex... at the time one of the most advanced cine cameras in the world.
$ 42.00
Standing ‘at-ease’ with his ceremonial, highly-polished shovel in front you can see the distinctive RAD headgear as well as their brown-shaded uniform.
$ 42.00
Same uniform and accessories as LAH230 but marching past the saluting platform.
Sold Out - $ 79.00
A junior RAD leader carrying one of the RAD’s own colourful flags.
Sold Out - $ 42.00
One hand holding his RAD ceremonial dagger his other raised in the Nazi salute the senior leader also marches past.
Sold Out - $ 49.00
Another interesting version of this SA campaigning figure together with his sandwich board and 2 x all-new vintage Nazi posters.
Sold Out - $ 42.00
In this case Herr Hitler is front and centre as well as other National Socialist posters.
Sold Out - $ 149.00
Each SS regiment had its own unique standard. The ‘LAH’, Hitler’s own bodyguard regiment, had theirs. Here 2 x sabre-carrying officers flank the standard bearer. All new-sculpts.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Standing at attention a senior LAH officer with sword drawn and held downwards (new sculpt).
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Every subunit within each SS ‘Standarte’ had a “Trumpeter”. This figure, stands to attention in a typical parade pose while playing his trumpet from which hangs a hand-embroidered banner.
$ 45.00
Eva Anna Paula Braun (1912-1945) was the longtime companion of Adolf Hitler and, for less than 40 hours in May 1945, his wife! Eva first met Hitler in 1929 in...
$ 59.00
It was often said that Hitler loved animals more than people... perhaps there is more than a shade of truth in that. During the First World War, “Corporal Hitler’s” best...