Sold Out - $ 185.00
Due to the oversized nature of this item, "Heavy Goods" shipping charges apply.
$ 155.00
This is an oversized and/or heavy item. Additional shipping charges will apply.
$ 49.00
Water is the most precious commodity in the dry arid heat of the Middle Eastern desert lands and here's one solution...our K&C Desert Oasis Well". A simple stone structure, unchanged...
$ 375.00
Due to the oversized nature of this item, "Heavy Goods" shipping charges apply. This handy structure is the perfect setting for our latest “Sampans” to moor alongside… at the same time it...
$ 295.00
A typical Middle Eastern brick and dried-mud entrance to a village or small town. Above the open gate is a walkway for watchmen or guards to patrol.
$ 275.00
A very versatile (like all the other DV structures) that can be utilized in a wide variety of settings and historical periods.
$ 256.00
A key feature of any small village or town in the Middle and Near East was the Watchtower. From this high vantage point any strangers could be seen as they approached...
$ 72.00
Two curved, adjoining sections of double sand-bagged wall that can accommodate an artillery gun, a command post or a parked fighting vehicle or tank.
Sold Out - $ 125.00
This beautiful little two-piece structure can sit atop one corner of our earlier released “Temple/Mosque” building (SP043)… Minarets are a particular feature of Middle Eastern architecture and just provide an additional touch of...
Sold Out - $ 135.00
We've combined sections from two of our older Normandy Village Shop/Houses... made them bigger, added more detail and, we believe, made them even better than before...
Sold Out - $ 239.00
Decorated with all kinds of enamel signs and posters this piece has also suffered some battle-damage as well. Put it alongside our first two releases or let it stand alone...
Sold Out - $ 179.00
The newer, bigger and better “Cafe de Normandie” can be used in a wide variety of settings and scenes both on its own and/or with other facades and buildings
$ 85.00
This little corner piece fits neatly into any corner space created by joining two of our facades or buildings at right angles.
Sold Out - $ 169.00
This little corner shop is perfect for connecting any two of our new Normandy village facades and makes a colourful display even on its own. Just examine closely the exquisite...
$ 49.00
A great little addition... a collection of various sizes of stone jars and fruit baskets. Perfect for a market place... or on board one of our Papyrus boats or simply...
Sold Out - $ 199.00
A tall four-storey structure attached to a three-storey shop/house with a “Viennoiserie”…a typical French shop selling croissants, pastries and bread. Sounds good already!
$ 185.00
This is an oversized and/or heavy item. Additional shipping charges will apply. Five individual lengths of desert-coloured walls and corner pieces that can be used to extend and connect any...
$ 139.00
Always useful in any toy soldier scene or diorama...a pair of cows, a donkey and an assortment of sheep and goats. You build the scene we will provide the livestock!!!
Sold Out - $ 249.00
This 2-piece 3 x dimensional diorama building can be used in any urban, European wartime setting. Approx. Dimension: 30cm(L) * 23cm(W) * 33cm (H)
$ 25.00 $ 35.00
For more compact spaces and displays this smaller “sandstone” wall fountain adds an extra touch of realism. : 8.6(L) x 2.8(W) x 6.5(H)cm
$ 25.00 $ 35.00
The perfect location for one of our K&C bronze-coloured “statue” figures. Can also be used in a wide variety of historical periods and settings “Greystone”.
$ 35.00 $ 49.00
A multi useful traditional European “greystone” plinth perfect for our bronzed mounted statues. Two sides are undamaged… the other two show extensive “battle-scarring”. :11.5(L) x 5.3(W) x 10.6(H)cm
$ 25.00 $ 35.00
As SP074 but in “sandstone” finish. : 5.7(L) x 5.7(W) x 5.4(H)cm
$ 35.00 $ 49.00
As SP075 but in “sandstone”finish… also with two sides“battle-scarred”. :11.5(L) x 5.3(W) x 10.6(H)cm
Sold Out - $ 55.00
As SP072 but in “Greystone”. : 11.5(L) x 11.5(W) x 8.8(H)cm
$ 25.00 $ 35.00
As SP073 but in “Greystone” finish. : 8.6(L) x 2.8(W) x 6.5(H)cm
Sold Out - $ 25.00
A standing bronze of "Der Fuhrer".
$ 19.00 $ 25.00
A familiar statue figure on any European village or town square.
$ 29.00 $ 49.00
A Napoleonic Russian Officer that makes a fine statue ...
$ 29.00 $ 49.00
A great looking equestrian statue of Napoleon Bonaparte.
$ 29.00 $ 49.00
One of Napoleon’s favorites and a very brave general... Lasalle points the way forward.
$ 19.00 $ 25.00
“Uncle Joe” in classic thoughtful pose ... Is he thinking, “Now, how many enemies can I liquidate today ...?
$ 29.00 $ 49.00
Australian Light Horse Bugler. An exciting and dramatic pose ... perfect for a mini war memorial!
Sold Out - $ 229.00
This typical wooden structure features TWO different sides to the building allowing collectors to reverse sides to crate alternative displays as well as, if you buy 2, to create a...
Sold Out - $ 149.00
It’s amazing what a difference a modest little section of wall and a simple metal gate can make to a display. Here is an updated and upgraded version of an...
Sold Out - $ 249.00
Our model arch is a brand-new design and sculpt based on an earlier Roman Arch produced in the mid 1990’s by K&C. This upgraded model is more detailed and much...
$ 99.00
Two more stretches of traditional stone walls to add on to SP114 and make your display or scene even bigger and better!
Sold Out - $ 159.00
The perfect architectural feature to extend and grow a European display or diorama for virtually any historical period from the middle ages all the way up to the wars of...
$ 55.00
Similar to the above but flying the ‘Stars ‘n’ Stripes’.
$ 15.00
A bag of 24 sandbags in two colours suitable for use in any 20th and 21st Century conflicts from the Great War (1914-1918)... the Second World War (1939-1945) and all types of wars and conflicts from Korea (1950-1953), to the Middle East Wars...
$ 31.00
These beach obstacles, sometimes known as “Czech Hedgehogs”, were scattered in their thousands all along the beaches and bays of occupied Europe. Using old steel railway lines they were welded...