$ 129.00
A superb mounted figure, saber resting on shoulder on a walking horse.
Sold Out - $ 129.00
Even in 1940, France still had thousands of horse-mounted Cavalrymen. They fought many gallant delaying actions against the advancing German infantry and armour.
$ 129.00
Kneeling behind his venerable Hotchkiss machine gun this Poilu" intends to make every bullet count. "
$ 250.00
Used primarily in the reconnaissance role this already obsolete British tank is a great looking little model and quite unique. Virtually all of the British Expeditionary Force's armour was either...
$ 259.00
A long, long awaited and long overdue new version of an old favourite – the VW 'Kubelwagen'. The German answer to Jeep. Seen in every WW2 movie and documentary our...
$ 59.00
Another weary 'Tommy' trudges back towards Dunkirk.
$ 59.00
Officers may think they run the army but we know who really runs it! A tough old Sarn't. Major points the way to the beaches and ...hopefully Blighty.
$ 199.00
One of France's smaller tanks together with two French crew and a captured German prisoner.
$ 140.00
Two soldiers carry a wounded Tommy" out of the frontline and on to the nearest First Aid Station... perfect to go with the K2. Also note Stretcher Bearers were armed......
$ 220.00
These Bedford General Service Trucks were produced in their thousands from 1939-1945 and they soldiered-on" in the British Forces right up until the early sixties. Our model is in early-war...
Sold Out - $ 119.00
Apart from the Feldgendarmes" -- the famous "Chained Dogs", other civilian police either volunteered or were drafted into special Field Police units as backup. This little 3-man set works well...
Sold Out - $ 129.00
Captain Helmut Eckhardt, Manstein's Adjutant, accompanies his General.
$ 129.00
This infantry colonel proudly leads his men past the reviewing officers.
$ 59.00
This officer returns the General's salute... army style!
$ 59.00
Still wearing the full battle-order this soldaten" is weary but happy his battle is over... for a time."
Sold Out - $ 159.99
When the Luftwaffe began to attack the British Isles they also began to suffer much greater losses... thanks to the young fighter pilots of the Royal Air Force. Here, a...
$ 59.00
Second-in-Command of the Home Guard Battalion our volunteers belong to.
$ 65.00
A wounded German pilot being assisted by another British soldier.
Sold Out - $ 59.00
Home Guard Officers came from all walks of life…butchers, bakers…even bank managers…but all eager and willing to defend their country against Adolf and his Nazi hordes!
$ 59.00
In any military there are always the soldier who knows all the angles and is very good at cutting corners…and never getting caught out!
Sold Out - $ 59.00
For some the military comes as a great shock to the system…For others it’s a huge adventure…For a few it’s a chance to play with a real gun!
Sold Out - $ 59.00
The Home Guard attracted army veterans from the First World War and the Boer War…Even some how had served with the great Lord Kitchener in the Sudan!
Sold Out - $ 139.99
A wooden, 2-wheel cart is loaded up with the bare essentials as well as a few, treasured family heirlooms... The family horse is between the shafts to hopefully pull the...
$ 89.00
A 2-man team complete with their fire hose.
$ 135.00
The NFS used a variety of many different vehicles and appliances – this 1939 vintage, Bedford Fire Truck was one of them…Please note the fireman’s hose of FOB104 can fit...
$ 69.00
A British “Tommy” helps his wounded mate along the road towards the beaches of Dunkirk...and hopefully home to dear old “Blighty”.
$ 49.00
Another British “Tommy” moving back towards the beaches of Dunkirk and, hopefully, ‘Blighty’.
Sold Out - $ 59.00
$ 149.00
3 x well-tailored individual Gentlemen “Civvies” to help populate any city or town street in the 1930’s or 1940’s.
$ 45.00
An older peasant stands with his scythe watching a column of Germans pass by.
$ 129.00
Three young girls watch the tanks and troops go by ...
$ 59.00
Up until today the majority of Officers in Gurkha Regiments have always been British. Among the most famous officers who served as a Gurkha was Field Marshal Sir William ‘Bill”...
Sold Out - $ 35.00
Having unsheathed his famous fighting knife this Gurkha has to ‘draw blood’ from his enemy ... usually fatally!
$ 35.00
This Gurkha adopts the second-most popular firing position.
$ 35.00
The number-one most popular shooting position.
$ 75.00
On a man-for-man basis the little Gurkha is more than a match for any ‘Son of Nippon’. Although the Japanese like using their bayonets they were not-so-fond of being on...
Sold Out - $ 52.00
These two small ‘Orphans of War’ can hardly comprehend what is going on all around them ... Hopefully they will find a safe refuge.
$ 45.00
Standing in a typical “MacArthurian” pose the General wears his distinctive gold encrusted peak cap and holds his corncob pipe. A US Army Air Corps A2 Leather jerkin is worn...
Sold Out - $ 90.00
Sabre held aloft this brave officer leads his men directly at the enemy.
Sold Out - $ 99.00
Carrying a swallow-tailed pennant bearing the Polish eagle and the country’s national colours this trooper follows his officer.
Sold Out - $ 85.00
A senior German officer shakes hand with one of his Soviet opposite numbers. Friendly for the moment... in June 1941 all that will change when ‘Operation Barbarossa’ erupts!
$ 45.00
This figure is based on one of the most famous songs of WW2, ‘Lili Marleen’ and the character it portrays. Originally recorded in Germany in 1939 by the singer Lale...
Sold Out - $ 229.00
This combination set brings together a captured British Mk. IV tank and its brand-new vehicle commander plus a standing Stormtrooper on guard. Notice: Tank and Figures are packed separately. USD229.00