$ 180.00
This grouping of four, Grossdeutschland Division soldiers combines figures from WS039 and WS041.
$ 240.00
Retired Item. WS016 Four Figure Tank Crew
$ 400.00
Retired Item. WS026 Panzer IV with Tank Commander
$ 65.00
Retired Item. WS034 Feldmarschal Erwin Rommel Afrika Korps
Sold Out - $ 245.00
WS045 A German Engineer Officer directs three of his men constructing the bridge.
$ 149.00
WS053 A set of 3 figure groupings of seated SS artillerymen filling out the vehicle perfectly
Sold Out - $ 149.00
WS054 A set of 3 figure groupings of seated SS artillerymen filling out the vehicle perfectly.
$ 199.00
WS075 “Commander’s Conference” Four individual Waffen SS officers meet together to discuss the tactical situation…Among them is Oberstgruppenfuhrer “Sepp” Dietrich commander of the 1st SS Panzer Corps. Next to him is Brigadefuhrer Fritz Witt,...
Sold Out - $ 160.00
WS087 “HALT!” A 2-man motorcycle combo set. Two German “Feldgendarmes” have stopped their machine to conduct a “spot check” on all passing vehicles. As the driver sits astride his bike,...
$ 199.00
“ROAD BLOCK!” Two more “chained- dogs” or Feldgendarmes have dismounted and are setting up an identity check of civilians.
$ 210.00
The most famous and ubiquitous German truck of WW2. Our first release is the "Normandy" camouflage version -- a 3 colour paint scheme typical of the late war period. A...
Sold Out - $ 189.00
Our model in Wehrmacht markings and camouflage and... has a very important passenger... Albert Speer, Hitler's favourite architect and head of Organization TODT
$ 60.00
$ 349.00
WS098 “German T34” After the invasion of Russia in 1941 the Germans captured huge amounts of Soviet arms and equipment. One of the most impressive and useful was the all-new (at least...
$ 230.00
Five kneeling and standing Panzer Crew in a variety of useful poses that can accompany any of our armoured vehicles.
$ 195.00
This little half track tractor was normally used to haul ammunition carts across the battlefield. Our Luftwaffe version can pull the Rammjager" and its trolley or any other Luftwaffe aircraft....
Sold Out - $ 189.00
This is a brand-new version of an old, long-retired favourite... "The Schwimmwagen" amphibian. A pair of Waffen SS Panzer Grenadiers on a reconnaissance mission are side tracked when one of...
Sold Out - $ 149.00
"Open Fire!" Three SS men engaged in combat.
$ 99.00
As one Wehrmacht Panzer Grenadier watches the advance of the enemy another prepares to pull the pin on his .potato masher. grenade
$ 149.00
In the weeks and months following D. Day German vehicles found it increasingly difficult to move undetected along French roads. Infantry moved forwards (and backwards) by the traditional method... on...
$ 90.00
This two-man set is a "companion piece" to WS119.
Sold Out - $ 99.00
Moving forward to take up a new gun position is this two-man Waffen SS MG42 gun set.
Sold Out - $ 149.00
Three Wehrmacht soldiers go about their business somewhere in an occupied country.
Sold Out - $ 119.00
Scanning the horizon for enemy activity.
$ 119.00
Looking to the Left and with his rifle across the front of his saddle this is another member of the patrol.
Sold Out - $ 119.00
This young Cossack is awaiting inspection.
$ 45.00
Notice: The figure is wearing the "Das Reich" cuff title.
Sold Out - $ 35.00
In a desperate attempt to hold off the Allied Armies even this grandfather has been drafted into the "Volksturm". Still wearing civilian clothes only his army 'ski cap', armband and...
Sold Out - $ 65.00
With units being decimated and survivors fleeing the battlefield this SS man is stopping and checking all vehicles and their passengers.
$ 250.00
Far less numerous than the “Kubelwagen” the Waffen SS made sure they were given priority in delivery from the VW factory. This model is in typical mid/late war three colour...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
With his Schmeisser Machine Pistol slung over his back this confident officer could be somewhere in France in 1940... or anywhere in western Russia in 1941.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Many photos of the early – war period show German infantry on the march looking tired but successful... Is this gunner’s next stop Paris... or Moscow?
Sold Out - $ 45.00
MG34's used up prodigious amounts of belted ammo and so other soldiers in the gunner’s section were detailed to “hump” additional boxes of ammunition.
Sold Out - $ 59.00
It was not just officers that were issued with expensive field binoculars. Even junior NCO's managed to beg, borrow or steal a good pair of binos for their personal use....
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Classic figure in a classic WW2 pose.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
This guy looks happy and relaxed…does he not know what lies ahead?
Sold Out - $ 65.99
Marching on those dusty Russian roads is a thirsty business...
$ 60.00
Another of the “Soldaten” has been tasked with moving a crate of ammunition.
Sold Out - $ 195.00
This ubiquitous German fighting vehicle could be seen on every German battlefield from the Caucasus in Russia to Cyrenaica in Libya and all points in between. Our battle-weary, dust covered...
$ 200.00
A three-colour camouflage version of this ubiquitous German Half Track. Perfect for the period 1943-45. -
Sold Out - $ 49.00
The Germans, especially on the Eastern Front, believed in “living off the land”…Here a smiling “soldaten” rejoins his comrades with a “liberated” pig under one arm.
Sold Out - $ 89.00
A German medic tends to the arm-wound of this soldier. It's serious enough to demand treatment but not bad enough to be sent to the rear... unfortunately for him!
Sold Out - $ 55.00
The first commander wears the “classic” black Waffen SS wrap around iacket" and SS officers field gray service cap. Figure 2 wears the reversible winter smock and the black Panzer...