$ 96.00
20164 - "Clearing The Yard" Set No.2
$ 42.00
20165 - British 24th Kneeling Defending
$ 20.00 $ 36.00
$ 96.00
20167 - "Clearing The Yard" Set No.3
Sold Out - $ 95.00
20168 - Natal Carbineer Dismounted No.1
$ 120.00
20169 - Natal Carbineer Sergeant Mounted No.1
$ 120.00
20170 - Natal Carbineer Officer Mounted
$ 120.00
20171 - British 17th Lancer Mounted No.1
$ 79.00
20172 - "Harrassing Fire" Set No.1 - Prone Zulu Warrior Firing Rifle and Prone Zulu Warrior Loading
$ 96.00
20173 - "To The Victors Goes The Spoils" - Zulu Warrior Stripping Red Jacket from Dead British 24th
$ 45.00
20174 - British 24th Foot Sgt. Bourne No.2, Parrying with Bayonet
$ 120.00
20175 - Mounted Frontier Light Horse
Sold Out - $ 96.00
Sold Out - $ 45.00
1/30 scale Matte Finish 1 Piece Set in Clamshell Pack
$ 45.00
20202 1/30 Scale Matte Finish Single Figure To take one’s place in a military formation the soldier is ordered to fall in and the roll is called. The command is given:...
$ 48.00
Zulu Warrior Chanting, 1879 Before engaging the enemy a battle chant is commonly employed with its purpose twofold. To arouse aggression and esprit de corps amongst your own side, and...
$ 48.00
Zulu Attacking King Shaka revolutionized the way the Zulu fought insuring Zululand’s military might and his political power. Prior to his reign, opposing armies had lined up and lobbed their...
$ 48.00
Zulu Swinging Knobkerrie The knobkerrie, or iwisa club, was a significant weapon to the Zulu warrior and as simple as it seems, it required extra practice and strength to wield...
$ 48.00
Zulu Waiting to Advance The Zulu who advanced on the mission station at Rorke’s Drift had been spoiling for a fight. They had been waiting in reserve most of the...
$ 48.00
Zulu Warrior Counting Rifles No.1, 1879 Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead: Adendorff, what’s wrong with them? Why don’t they fight? Adendorff: They’re counting your guns. Lieutenant John Chard: What?! Adendorff: Can’t you see that old...
$ 48.00
British 24th Foot Defending with Bayonet, No.3, 1879 The 22" Common socket bayonet was gruesomely nicknamed “The Lunger” by the men in the field. The bayonet was purely a stabbing...
$ 48.00
$ 48.00
Senior Zulu Warrior with Axe This senior Zulu officer carries the half-moon-shaped Zulu axe. The iron blade was attached to a straight wooden handle and, when employed in battle, was...
$ 48.00
British 24th Foot Standing Alert, 1879 A military deception is an attempt by any fighting unit to gain an advantage during battle by misleading an adversary into taking action (or inaction)...
$ 48.00
British 24th Foot Cheering, No.1, 1879 A cry of “Huzzah for the company!” rings loud after a desperate struggle against a determined foe vanquished. The origin of the exclamation “huzzah” is...
$ 48.00
Zulu Warrior Counting Rifles No.2, 1879 War drums are intimidating and can produce strong psychological effect on the opposing forces. In lieu of frontline percussion, warriors would strike their weapon...
$ 48.00
Zulu Warrior Attacking with Knobkerrie, 1879 The knobkerrie, or iwisa club, was a significant weapon to the Zulu warrior and as simple as it seems, it required extra practice and strength to...
$ 96.00
More Ammo, Man! Lieutenant John Chard On 22 January, 32-year-old lieutenant John Rouse Merriott Chard set out for Rorke’s Drift with the news that Zulus had been spotted moving on the...
$ 96.00
After a British defeat at the day-long Battle of Isandlwana, 22 January 1879, the attack on the Mission Station at Rorke’s Drift began that afternoon. Of the handful of junior...
$ 119.00
45009 - Zulu War Ox Wagon and Supplies.
$ 38.00
51023 - 18th/19th Century Tumbril No.1