$ 48.00
NEW IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Standing Firing, 1780 According to The Manual Exercise, As Ordered by His Majesty, in 1764 by Hugh Gaine, 1775, the British manual of arms...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Standing Firing, 1780 According to The Manual Exercise, As Ordered by His Majesty, in 1764 by Hugh Gaine, 1775, the British manual of arms...
$ 48.00
NEW IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Standing Handling Cartridge, 1780 This soldier is reaching behind his back to open the flap of his cartridge box. One cartridge is...
$ 48.00
43rd Regiment of Foot Battalion Coy Marching at Support, 1780 This soldier carries the standard weapon of the British Army during the Clash of Empires period, often called a “Brown Bess.” This...
$ 49.00
Continental Line/1st American Regiment Company Officer Advancing with Spontoon, 1777-87 This officer carries a spontoon – a weapon originating with earlier pole arms when they were the only weapon a...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! The New Trade Coat Native Warrior with European Trade Coat Before the arrival of Europeans, Natives dressed in various animal skins and furs. Pelts were sown together to...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Fresh Tracks Native Warrior Checking Trail Native Americans learned their tracking skills through a variety of methods: studying the natural environment, animal behavior, discerning the tracks and signs...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Along the Deer Trail Native Warrior Walking The track of a deer trail is usually a narrow, winding path through the woodland or forest. Deer regularly use these...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Art of War: Oneida Warrior, 1777 - Art of Don Troiani This is an Oneida Indian who is allied with the Patriots during the Saratoga campaign. Records show...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Art of War: Shawnee Indian Warrior, 1750-80 - Art of Don Troiani Trade ties originally had the Shawnee allied with Great Britain but in 1754 they sided with...
$ 52.00
French Royal Deux-Ponts Regiment, Private Standing Firing, 1781 The Royal Deux-Ponts Regiment was part of the Expédition Particuliére lead by General Jean-Baptiste Domation de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau for service in...
$ 52.00
Art of War: Grenadier Brunswick Regiment, von Riedesel, 1777 - Art of Don Troiani Brunswick Regiment von Riedesel was formed from the 2nd Battalion of the Prince Friedrich Regiment before the...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Regiment von Donop, 1776 A brigade of Hessian Grenadiers and Jaegers, known as Regiment von Donop, had at its command Count Carl Emil von Donop. It...
$ 52.00
Art of War- Art of Don Troiani: Grenadier Brunswick Regiment, von Riedesel, 1777 The Leib Regiment was one of the first Hessian battalions to arrive in British North America....
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Defending The Royal Deux-Ponts Regiment was raised by the Duke of Deux-Ponts, Christian IV, Count Palatine of Birkenfeld, under a treaty made in 1751...
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Tearing Cartridge The average soldier of the 18th century was expected to fire three volleys per minute. After the first volley, troops usually took...
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Reaching for Cartridge By the middle of the 18th century leather cartridge boxes designed to carry fixed paper cartridges, extra flints, and a simple...
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! French Royal Deux-Ponts Standing Make Ready By the middle of the 18th century most military drill manuals followed 12 to 13 steps to “load by the numbers.” The...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! The Régiment de Deux-Ponts was a prestigious part of the French Royal Army, composed largely of german-speaking soldiers from the Duchy of Deux-Ponts region (in present-day Germany). Officers...
$ 68.00
NEW! IN STOCK! French Royal Deux-Ponts Ensign with Color, 1781 This junior officer of the Royal Deux Ponts (Zweibrucken) carries the wonderfully ornate standard, the drapeau d’ordonnance of the regiment...
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Hessian Regiment von Donop, Tearing Cartridge Muskets are smoothbore weapons; the inside of the barrel is smooth, not rifled, and notoriously inaccurate. It was a flintlock weapon,...
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Hessian Regiment von Donop, Reaching for Cartridge The typical German cartridge boxes of the period housed either a single sewn leather block that could hold 30 cartridges...
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Hessian Regiment von Donop, Ramming Cartridge Muskets of the 18th century were always equipped with a ramrod that was carried below the barrel in small retainers called...
$ 50.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Hessian Regiment von Donop, Alert During the American War for Independence most of the German troops were required to be clean shaven. Musketeers wore their hair quite...
$ 48.00
NEW IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Tearing Cartridge, 1780 In the “Prime and Load” sequence, the soldier moves his musket from the left shoulder, bringing it down to...
$ 48.00
NEW IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Ramming Cartridge, 1780 The average soldier of the 18th century was expected to fire three volleys per minute. After the first volley, troops...
$ 52.00
Art of War- Art of Don Troiani: Rogers’ Rangers Private, 1758 Robert Rogers captained a ranger company of New Hampshire soldiers stationed at British Fort William Henry during the French...
$ 52.00
Art of War- Art of Don Troiani: French Fusilier Regiment Berry, 1758 This Fusilier wears the typical dress of French Infantry during the 18th century consisting of a natural white...
$ 48.00
NEW IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot Defending, 1870 This soldier takes up a defensive position. His bayonet is affixed and at the ready, and although rarely used in...
$ 49.00
NEW! IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot, Sergeant with Halberd, 1780 The halberd was an important weapon in middle Europe from the 14th through the 16th century enabling a...
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NEW! IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot Casualty Falling, 1780 Flintlock muskets were the mainstay of European armies between 1660 and 1840. Typically, these muzzle-loading smoothbore long guns were...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! The 43rd (Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot, established in 1741, participated in several significant engagements during the American War of Independence. Notably, at the Battle of Bunker Hill...
$ 52.00
NEW! IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot Drummer Standing, 1780 Drummers and fifers were important components of an infantry company, not only signaling important battle commands, but everyday duties...
$ 49.00
NEW! IN STOCK! British 43rd Regiment of Foot Company Officer, Standing, 1780 The sword had always been a symbol of status on and off the battlefiield, but with the introduction...
$ 120.00
IN STOCK! NEW! General George Washington Mounted, 1775-80 Congress created the Continental Army on 14 June 1775. Washington was chosen to become its commander-in-chief because of his military experience and the belief...
$ 52.00
51022 - Fall 18th/19th Century Corn with Squash
$ 85.00
NEW! IN STOCK! 18th-19th Century Autumn Corn Spring is the leanest time of the year with winter supplies running short and gardens yet to produce. But the early to late...
$ 68.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Barrels, 18th-20th Century Wet and Dry Cooperage The cooper’s craft of barrel making was an early and long-standing one. Wooden cooperage was common in the Roman Empire...
$ 68.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Farm Tools, 18th-19th Century, Set No.2 This set of farm tools represents items often associated with building and maintenance on the farm. The saw, axe, adze, drawknife,...