$ 60.00
The standard U.S. Army Squad Light Machine Gun was the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle (the B.A.R.). It used a twenty-round box magazine and performed in a similar squad support role...
$ 119.00
Three ‘Casualties of War’ in 3 x different poses that prove, once again, that the price of freedom is never free!
$ 85.00
Two Rangers ‘hit the deck’ as they come under heavy machine gun fire from the German positions on the bluffs above Omaha Beach. One Ranger fires his B.A.R. (Browning Automatic...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
As all hell breaks loose around this Ranger Medic he runs forward to help a wounded buddy.
$ 85.00
This 2-man set shows two kneeling Rangers, one carrying the “Man-Portable M2-2 Flamethrower”. This had a ‘burn-duration’ of just 9 seconds and could hurl a jet of flame up to...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Providing additional fire support for the rifle squad is this lying prone Ranger about to fire his M1 Rocket Launcher. Measuring just over 5 feet long and firing a HEAT...
$ 85.00
Two Ranger riflemen making their way forward.
$ 169.00
The first of TWO 4-MAN Ranger sets going into action. These four Rangers include 2 x riflemen kneeling... 1 x kneeling ‘Tommy-Gun’ carrying Sergeant and a crouching NCO with an...
$ 45.00
A very brave but ‘difficult’ general to deal with... At least for his Allies! De Gaulle was the leader of all FREE FRENCH forces from 1940-1945. Always conscious of France’s...
$ 315.00
This K&C model is in the markings of a 'B' Squadron vehicle of the 23rd Hussars, belonging to the 11th Armoured Division during the battle for Normandy. Because the 'Firefly'...
$ 400.00
As above but with a different hull number (for those collectors wanting two LCVP’s for their collection). The standing cox’n with raised right arm is also unique to this second...
Sold Out - $ 135.00
How the mighty have fallen... This trio of German Officers are now at the mercy of their French captors and looking distinctly worried. Fortunately for them they are regular Wehrmacht...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
This resistance member is cocking his British-supplied ‘Sten’ sub machine gun Thousands of these simple but sturdy weapons were parachuted into France and saw extensive service with the ‘Maquis’.
$ 55.00
Among the most unfortunate victims of the whole scale retribution after Liberation were women who had formed relationships with the German occupiers and, in some cases, had illegitimate children with...
$ 95.00
A forlorn young women sits alone and fearful as a male member of the resistance outs off her hair in front of a jeering crowd of onlookers. Because she has...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
In addition to the Sten Guns supplied to French Resistance groups, heavier weapons, such as the Bren Gun’, were also provided. Here our resistance member uses the shoulder strap to...
$ 419.00
Due to the oversized nature of this item, "Heavy Goods" shipping charges apply. This all-metal M4 includes all the unique features that made our last two 'Tigers' so popular and collectible...This...
$ 419.00
Due to the oversized nature of this item, "Heavy Goods" shipping charges apply. This particular M4 was one of several Shermans utilized by Capt. Bill Dwight, the assistant S3 and liaison officer...
$ 47.00
Back in WW2 almost everyone smoked cigarettes and they were cheap, plentiful and supplied free of tax for the armed forces.This smoking 'tanker' is probably enjoying his favourite brand of...