Sold Out - $ 259.00
Retired Item. Three US Ranger Plus a 29th Infantry Corporal.
$ 259.00
Retired Item. Four Attacking US Infantry.
Sold Out - $ 400.00
Retired Item. DD027 M4 Sherman Easy Eight with Three Man Crew
$ 69.00
DD029 Gen. Dwight D Eisenhower Figure Only
Sold Out - $ 200.00
A 4-man attack patrol in action...great figures, great poses.
$ 300.00
Retired Item. DD039 The GMC - Jimmy - 2.5 Ton Truck
$ 60.00
DD042 Extra backup comes in the form of this single standing MP figure ready to enforce military law, if necessary with his "Tommy-Gun".
$ 230.00
Led by their carbine-toting officer three 3rd Infantrymen cautiously make their way forward. Two riflemen (one also carrying a bazooka and ammo) are backed up by a BAR man.
$ 185.00
Four sitting and kneeling 3rd Infantrymen give their legs a rest and hitch a ride on a passing Sherman Tank. These versatile figures can be used in a wide variety...
Sold Out - $ 330.00
DD046 D.Day Paratroopers This new set echoes our very first set of D.Day GIs - DD01. This time we've got 2 x 82nd Airborne 'troopers who have joined up with 2x 101st'...
$ 215.00
DD 52 “Command Set” shows Brigadier Lord Lovat, probably the most famous Commando leader, and his command section. With him are his personal bagpiper, Bill Millin, a radio operator and his sergeant body-guard...
$ 215.00
DD054 “Beachmaster” accurately captures Royal Navy Commander Colin Maude and his dog “Winston” directing traffic on “SWORD BEACH”. A Royal Navy signaler, a radio loudspeaker and a bicycle-carrying Commando complete this unique set
Sold Out - $ 200.00
Led by an NCO firing his 'Sten' gun three more Commandos rush into attack. Two men are armed with the ever reliable LEE ENFIELD rifles whilst the fourth carries the...
$ 230.00
DD58 “Taking Prisoners’ An interesting set this one…Two walking-wounded Waffen SS officers are escorted by a rifle-toting Commando. Watching this little scene is a British Military Policeman sitting astride his Triumph motorbike. Great figures…
$ 230.00
This version is, without doubt, the most detailed and accurate one yet. Our carrier, in the markings of the British 3rd Infantry Division, is manned by two typical Tommies.
$ 265.00
One of the Allies most useful and versatile vehicles — the famous DUKW. The K&C polystone and metal version is over 13 inches long. Comes with a removable transport load...
$ 209.00
DD64 “Tommy” Patrol Here they are “The Poor Bloody Infantry”. Four weary but watchful “Toms” make their way forward.
Sold Out - $ 275.00
This Normandy version of the US light reconnaissance tank boasts a set of bocage hedgecutters" on the front of the hull and three crew figures. It's a completely brand-new and...
Sold Out - $ 60.00
DD069 “Brig. General Norman ‘Dutch’ Cota’. Played by Robert Mitchum in “The Longest Day” movie our figure represents the real “Dutch” Cota – not the Hollywood version. Brig. Gen. Cota was Deputy Commander of the 29th Infantry Division on Omaha Beach.
Sold Out - $ 80.00
This officer was commander of the 2nd Btn, of the 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment of 82nd Airborne. Injured when he landed Vandervoort led the battle to defend Ste. Mere Eglise...
$ 99.00
DD074 “Reach for The Sky”. Based on a famous photograph this young paratrooper has captured a tough-looking crewman of a German Assault Gun. Even though his enemy is disarmed and lightly...
$ 60.00
DD077 “War Correspondent” The “companion piece” to DD076 is our seated at his typewriter “Ernie Pyle” War Correspondent. This terrific little figure is full of character another “tribute” to the war correspondent Ernie Pyle who wrote the classic “The Story...
Sold Out - $ 69.00
DD079 “General Omar Bradley” The GI’s General and one of Eisenhower’s most steady and reliable field commanders. Bradley commanded the US 1st Army Group during and after the Normandy invasion… here he stands, hands on hips, in a typical...
$ 60.00
DD080 “General James Gavin 82nd Airborne” The youngest divisional commander in the U.S. Army during WW2. Gavin was only 37 at the time of the Normandy and “Market Garden” jumps. He also enjoyed a very successful post-war...
$ 45.00
A proud 82nd Airborne trooper in parade dress. Looks great in multiples... And now here's a whole bunch of GI's... a mixture 82nd and 101st Glider troops... all in action......
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Leading the attack is this crouching officer checking out enemy positions 82nd Airborne.
Sold Out - $ 60.00
DD086 “Running Forward” Moving to a new location… 101st Airborne.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
This dismounted Glider Pilot" is sending out a pretty clear message to his buddies... "Wait!""
$ 165.00
DD088 “GI Tank Crew”3 U.S. tankers that go great with our new “Classic” Sherman or any of our other U.S. vehicles. One standing sergeant, one kneeling NCO and one lying mechanic....
Sold Out - $ 90.00
One GI pulls his wounded buddy to safety.
Sold Out - $ 90.00
A sergeant with Tommy Gun leads a rifleman cautiously forward... the enemy are nearby.
$ 130.00
A crouching rifleman approaches a dead Waffen SS trooper.
Sold Out - $ 120.00
While his kneeling officer provides covering fire... a BAR gunner shouts out for extra ammunition.
$ 299.00
This is a large product package - additional shipping charges will apply The M26 entered service in 1943 and was used extensively and virtually exclusively by US Armoured Forces in...
$ 119.00
Three US Army “Rangers” stand on a cold, wet English dockside waiting to board their landing craft that will ferry them to France… “D Day Minus One” We’ve put all of these...
Sold Out - $ 60.00
This deck officer, dressed in workaday khaki can be seen on the dockside… on ship… or in one of our new landing craft.
Sold Out - $ 60.00
There’s always some guy around who just likes to stand and watch!!!
$ 45.00
Rifle slung over his shoulder this GI heads for the landing craft.
$ 45.00
This officer is leading his troops into position.
Sold Out - $ 55.00
Wearing his “steelpot” and navy blue windcheater jacket this sailor is on “lookout” duty.
$ 55.00
It pays to be safe at sea… life on the ocean wave can be dangerous so it makes sense to wear your life jacket at all times…