$ 119.00
A standing Joseph holds a lantern as his wife Mary nurses her new-born son
$ 139.00
In the Gospel of Mathew he says these men came from the East to worship the Christ, born King of the Jews. With them they bring gifts of Gold, Frankincense...
$ 59.00
A goatherd along with some of his flock.
$ 45.00
A shepherd has been searching and found a lost and injured sheep and carries it on his shoulders.
Sold Out - $ 119.00
Here we see a teenage Jesus eagerly assisting his earthly father Joseph the Carpenter. As Joseph uses a “plane” on his large workbench his son carries over a plank of...
$ 45.00
A woman is on her way to the village well to pick up some fresh water. Balancing the clay jug on her head she also has a basket of fresh...
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Auxiliaries, although armed like their Legionnary comrades, were quite different in appearance. Many units wore blue as their uniform colour. Their shields were also blue with particular designs on the...
$ 45.00
Spear on shoulder… shield in hand and ready for anything!
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Many, if not most, of the Auxiliary officers were regular Roman soldiers seconded to an Auxiliary Unit for a specific length of service. Here he is issuing “orders of the day” from a wax tablet.
$ 35.00
One of the Legion's senior officers and most decorated for valour.
Sold Out - $ 35.00
Patrolling the streets of Jerusalem and other towns in Israel was thirsty work. This auxiliary pauses for a drink. Is it water or wine?
Sold Out - $ 45.00
On her way back from the water well this woman sits and listens to words of John.
Sold Out - $ 45.00
Seated on a colourful mat this young man is studying.
Sold Out - $ 139.00
At dead of night Joseph leads Mary and the baby on their donkey towards Egypt and temporary safety.
$ 129.00
Again, thanks to the suggestions and ideas of collectors we have re-issued this older set but with different colour combinations.
$ 45.00
Another useful addition with a different colour combination.
$ 89.00
This little 2-figure set is based on one of the most famous parables told by Jesus... A travellers is waylaid by robbers who beat him and steal everything from him...
$ 99.00
As a companion piece to LOJ049 or as a ‘stand-alone’ set on its own... A young boy stands holding the head reins of a donkey. It might even be the...
$ 129.00
Jesus, in his travels the length and breadth of Judea always made time to talk to children... Here he meets with a young boy and his sister.
$ 99.00
The Gospel of Luke says that the two thieves crucified on either side of Jesus were called 'Dismas', the good thief, who repented for his sins and 'Gestas', the unrepentant...
$ 55.00
This is the same figure as LoJ058 but in a less brutal depiction with much less blood.