$ 48.00
U.S. Infantry Company Officer Looking Around Corner, 1943-45 For the U.S. Military, tactical decision making on a squad level supersedes hierarchical command directive in any closequarter situation. The U.S. Army...
$ 48.00
U.S. Infantryman Kneeling Watching for Movement, 1943-45 Be calm, be cool, be keen – do not react quickly. Don’t move just for the sake of taking action. Without thinking or...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantryman Kneeling Firing M1 Garand, 1943-45 Approximately 5.4 million M1 Garands were made during World War II, and it was the first standard-issue semiautomatic rifle in...
$ 48.00
U.S. Armored Infantryman with M1 Garand, Alert, 1943-45 During WWII each U.S. Army Armored Division was made up of 3 Armored Infantry Battalions, 3 Tank Battalions, 3 Artillery Battalions,...
$ 48.00
U.S. Infantry Medic with Stretcher, 1943-45 The concept of evacuating soldiers soon after being wounded was introduced during World War I when stretcher-bearers became the ancestors of today’s medics and...
$ 48.00
U.S. Armored Infantryman Advancing, 1943-45 The 9th Armored Division landed in mainland Europe late in September 1944 and first went into line, 23 Oct. 1944, on patrol duty in a...
$ 48.00
U.S. Infantryman Standing Firing M1 Garand, 1943-45 In 1891, the U.S. Army defined a rifle squad as seven privates and one corporal. In 1939 it was reorganized into a 12-man...
$ 48.00
U.S. Armored Infantryman Kneeling Alert, 1943-45 Each Rifle Squad in an Armored Infantry Platoon consisted of a Squad Leader, an Assistant Squad Leader, a Driver, and 9 Riflemen. The squad...
$ 48.00
U.S. Infantryman Running, No.2, 1943-45 The close-quarter fighting that took place in ruined cities of World War II was possibly the most harrowing any soldier would experience. Though not a...
$ 48.00
U.S. Armored Infantryman Reaching for Clip, 1943-45 During World War II an American armored division was supported by a very mobile offensive and defensive force in the form of its...
$ 48.00
U.S. Tanker with M3 Grease Gun Despite efforts to simplify its design, the M1A1 Thompson submachine gun was still a time-consuming and expensive gun to manufacture. Research and development of...
$ 288.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Kaiserbaracke Crossroads Type 166 Schwimmwagen, 1st SS, Ardennes 1944-45 This set is based on one of the most recognizable images of the war. It was taken from the...
$ 225.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Type 166 Schwimmwagen, Panzer Lehr Division, 1944-45 Formed as an elite and fully mechanized division in 1943 from various training and demonstration troops stationed in Germany, the...
$ 48.00
U.S. Infantry Officer Prone This officer is barking out orders over the din and roar of battle. Presumably he is telling his men to get down and take cover....
$ 48.00
U.S. Infantry Casualty More than 16 million Americans were mobilized to serve in the armed forces during World War II. There were 405,399 U.S. deaths during the conflict (official...
$ 350.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. M4A3(75) Sherman Tank 6th Armored Division, 69th Tank Battalion Co. H, Germany 1945 It has been argued that the ubiquitous Sherman tank was the best armored...
$ 375.00
U.S. M4A3(75) Sherman 9th Armored Division, 14th Tank Battalion, Co. A, Germany, 1945 It has been argued that the ubiquitous Sherman tank was the best armored fighting vehicle of the...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! German Artillery Officer on Field Phone, 1941-45 This artillery officer uses the feldfernsprecher 33 (FF33) field telephone of the German military forces of WWII. It was introduced in 1933...
$ 48.00
U.S. Army Military Policeman Directing Traffic, 1943-45 During World War II, Military Police schools were established at Camp Gordon and Fort Benjamin Harrison, with the Military Replacement Center established at...
$ 48.00
U.S. Tanker Standing Gesturing, Winter, 1944-45 Hand and arm signals – the simple movements that allow users to communicate with their squad, platoon, or fire team – are an essential...
$ 48.00
U.S. Tanker Walking with Ammo Cans, Winter, 1944-45 This tanker wears the typical configuration of the U.S. Army Winter Combat Uniform. Introduced in 1942, this is a second pattern issued: Trousers, Combat,...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Hedgehog Anti-Tank Obstacle The caltrop was the inspiration for the anti-tank obstacle, the hedgehog. They were widely used during WWII notably by the Soviets in front of...
$ 130.00
Surveying the Field Three Members of a German 88 Flak Gun Many variations of shipping containers for 8.8cm fixed rounds for the Flak 18 and 36/37 were made during WWII. These ranged...
$ 96.00
Preparing for Action, No.1 Two Members of a German 88 Flak Gun Many variations of shipping containers for 8.8cm fixed rounds for the Flak 18 and 36/37 were made during WWII....
$ 96.00
Preparing for Action, No.2 Two Members of a German 88 Flak Gun Many variations of shipping containers for 8.8cm fixed rounds for the Flak 18 and 36/37 were made during WWII....
$ 375.00
U.S. M18 "Hell-Cat" Tank Destroyer, 705th TD, with Crew, Ardennes 1944-45 The vehicle that came to be known as the M18 was the result of a convoluted development process that...
$ 375.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. M18 "Hell-Cat" Tank Destroyer, 811TD, with Crewman, Germany 1945 The vehicle that came to be known as the M18 was the result of a convoluted development...
$ 56.00
NEW! IN STOCK! German Grenadier Walking with Ammo Can, 1941-45 The standard K98, the G43 semi-automatic rifle, and the MG34 and MG42 machine guns of a German infantry section used...
$ 48.00
German Grenadier Running in Greatcoat with 98K, 1941-45 The Karabiner 98K rifle went into service with the Wehrmacht in 1935. It was developed from the Mauser Standardmodell 1924 which in turn was derivative...
$ 48.00
German Grenadier NCO Running in Greatcoat with MP 40, 1941-45 With its pressed steel design and simple, welded construction, the MP 40 (Maschinenpistole 40) was the definitive submachine gun...
$ 48.00
German Grenadier Running in Greatcoat with MG 42, 1942-45 The Germany Army entered the War with the MG 34 as its main tactical machine gun. This lightweight weapon could...
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German Grenadier Running in Greatcoat with Spare MG 42 Barrel, 1943-45 With its Blitzkrieg tactics, the Wehrmacht was the first army to structure every infantry squad around the use...
$ 48.00
German Grenadier in Greatcoat Kneeling Looking Up Soldiers in the combat zone must remain hyper vigilant, alert to any potential danger or threat. This vigilance must be heightened even...
$ 48.00
German Grenadier in Greatcoat Kneeling, No.2 In 1942, Hitler renamed his infantry regiments as “Grenadier” regiments as a historical homage to Frederick the Great’s Royal Prussian Army. Historically grenadiers...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantry in Raincoat Standing with M1 on Hip, 1943-45 This GI is dressed in the typical combat uniform of 1943-45. Staying warm and dry was always...
$ 98.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Displacing U.S. 101st Airborne M1919 Machine Gun Crew The German MG 34 and MG 42 machine guns were portable squad weapons and were very effective at sustained...
$ 110.00
NEW! IN STOCK! "Suppressing Fire" 101st Airborne Machine Gun Team Firing .30Cal M1919 The U.S. military wanted to use the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle as its portable squad weapon. It...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantryman with Panzerfaust, 1944-45 It was not uncommon to use the enemy’s own weapons against them. Near the end of the war with supplies getting low, the...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantryman with M1 Garand, 1944-45 A new pack system was developed by the U.S. Army in 1944. The packs were made of cotton canvas with cotton...
$ 48.00
U.S. 101st Airborne Running with M3 Grease Gun, 1944-45 Despite efforts to simplify its design, the M1A1 Thompson submachine gun was still a time consuming and expensive gun to manufacture. Research...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantry in Raincoat Walking, 1943-45 This soldier wears the Olive Drab synthetic resin coated raincoat. Before the poncho was ever introduced as rain gear, the raincoat...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantry NCO Shouting with Thompson, 1943-45 While under direct fire, soldiers must be prepared to function, receive, and carry out orders proficiently. Over the din of...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantryman Walking with SCR-536 Considered the first modern hand-held, self-contained, radio transceiver the SCR-536 was developed in 1940 and by July 1941 was in mass production....
$ 79.00
U.S. Armor Accessory Set, No.1 Supplies were crucial to keep the Allied armored spearhead moving into Germany. Important supplies for the army included fuel, oil, ammunition, and food to name...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! U.S. Infantryman Standing with Raincoat over Equipment The poncho was introduced as rain gear to irregular U.S. military forces operating on the western plains in the 1850s....
$ 56.00
NEW! IN STOCK! German Waffen SS in Kharkov Parka Getting up to Move, 1942-45 The 1942 Kharkov Parka had its origins of the anorak used by the Luftwaffe. Referred to...
$ 96.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Heading up the Line Two U.S. Infantry Marching in Greatcoats, 1943-45 With the introduction of the M1943 field uniform it was thought that the double breasted 32 oz...
$ 56.00
NEW! IN STOCK! German Waffen SS Grenadier Standing with Helmet Off, 1941-45 The Waffen SS (Schutzstaffel) grew from three regiments to over 38 divisions during the War and served alongside the...