$ 58.00
Native American Warrior Getting Ready to Fire from Behind a Tree Stump
As soon as Europeans established trade with the Native people of North America, textiles and metal objects were incorporated into indigenous dress. In many cases trade cloth replaced tanned skins for leggings and breech cloths, blankets provided warmth as wraps or cloaks and ready made shirts became common items of dress. In many cases natural pigments were used to personalize the white shirts commonly offered. First hand accounts often describe reds and purples that may have been achieved using various plant materials. During the first quarter of the 19th century the invention of roller printing allowed the manufacture of inexpensive printed fabric, offering visually desirable textiles for trade, including trade shirts.
$ 48.00
10058 Tecumseh 1810-1813 A History Store Exclusive.
$ 48.00
Chief Joseph Brant, 1777-83 Joseph Brant (Mohawk name Thayendanegea) grew up the Mohawk and Iroquois lands of New York, a territory under British influence. He attended Moor’s Charity School for...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! British General Isaac Brock, 1812 Brock’s military career started at the age of 15 when he joined the 8th Regiment of Foot in 1785 with the rank...
$ 48.00
NEW! IN STOCK! Washington was appointed as Lieutenant Colonel of the Virginia Regiment in 1755, following the death of the previous commander. His first significant action came during the campaign...