$ 49.00
John Little was a legendary fellow outlaw of Robin Hood. Indeed it was Robin who changed his name to “Little John” on account of his great height and skill with both a bow and a quarterstaff. In film he was portrayed no less than three times by actor Alan Hale Sr. The famous British character actor James Robertson Justice also portrayed him in the 1952 Walt Disney version of the Robin Hood tale starring Richard Todd as Robin. Our figure is a blend of both and stands four-square, arms folded, his hunting horn hanging from his belt.
Sold Out - $ 49.00
Over the centuries our hero has had many names...Robin, Earl of Huntington...Robin of Loxley...Robyn of York...and many, many others. However, one thing all the stories agree upon was that he...
$ 49.00
One of Robin’s most trusted Lieutenant’s and... a pretty fair archer in his own right. Bow and arrow in hand the more colorful Will still has a “splash” of Lincoln Green in his dress but,...
$ 70.00
In many of the stories and Legends of Robin Hood a common character is this corpulent and rogueish churchman. In most tales he is depicted as a well-fed, jovial monk...
$ 129.00
Guy of Gisbourne is one of the great villains from the Robin Hood legends of English folklore. A Norman Knight, he is a loyal henchman of the evil Prince John...