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Hadrian was emperor from 117-138 AD. Born into a Romano / Italo / Hispanic family he energetically pursued his own imperial ideals and personal interests by visiting almost every province in the Empire including Britannia which had recently suffered a major rebellion. There, he initialed the design and construction of a huge wall, ‘to separate Romans from their northern barbarian neighbours.’ Shrewdly he reckoned it was cheaper to build and garrison the wall and its many forts along his northern border than keep a huge standing army there. Even today remains of the wall can still be seen in northern England and southern Scotland. Hadrian was also one of the few leading Emperors to wear a beard... nearly all the others were clean-shaven.
Sold Out - $ 199.00
The centerpiece of any Roman Fort collection... the main entrance way into and out of a Roman ‘Mile’ Fort.
$ 59.00
Vercingetorix (82BC-46BC) was the chieftain of the Arverni tribe, who united all of the Gallic tribes in a revolt against the Roman armies of Julius Caesar. A born leader and...
$ 49.00
Carrying a richly – decorated bronze shield this Chief is about to strike down one of his Roman opponents... No mercy asked... No mercy given!
$ 49.00
Before coming to blows this barbarian warrior takes the time to look over his enemy. Release Date August 2018