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1/30 scale Matte Finish 1 Piece Set
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A small force of Virginia militiamen, led by George Rogers Clark, seized control of several British posts in the Illinois Country of the then Province of Quebec. Clark and his men crossed...
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Native Warrior Attacking with War Club This Eastern Woodland Indian warrior is armed with a .62 Caliber smooth bore musket specifically made for trade with the natives in North America....
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Native Warrior Yelling War Cry Nothing could be more frightening than to hear a blood curdling war cry in the wilderness. How foreign it must have been to see a...
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42nd Royal Highland Regiment Grenadier Standing Defending, 1758-63 This Grenadier is in the full uniform that this regiment is known to have worn in this period, although some modification may have...
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Art of War: Fifer, 2nd Continental ArtilleryIn the 18th century, military field music acted as a melodic communication system that ordered the soldiers’ day and sent vital communications through the...
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There are a series of 12 actions needed to load and fire a flintlock musket – this soldier is on step eight. He has already primed the pan and returned the...
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42nd Royal Highland Regiment Grenadier Officer Firing Pistol, 1758-63 Scotland’s Highland warriors carried an array of distinctive fighting tools – the dirk, claymore broadsword, the hidden “black knife” or skean dubh, and, for...
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42nd Royal Highland Regiment Grenadier Standing Firing, No.2, 1758-63 This Grenadier wears a uniform largely based on the painting done by David Morier between 1748-49, but there were certainly changes made in...
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42nd Royal Highland Regiment Battalion Coy Standing Ramming, No.2, 1758-63 The 42nd Regiment of Foot arrived in North America in 1756. In 1758 they were part of the 15,400 man force...
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42nd Royal Highland Regiment Battalion Coy Standing Make Ready, 1758-63 When the regiment arrived in North America it immediately started training for fighting in the frontier forests. The reality of fighting in this...
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Despite the wide variety of long arms with which the first colonial militias were armed, many of the members not only had some basic training in firing by company, but...
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The majority of the enlisted men of the Continental Army came from the working class and were motivated to volunteer for service by specific contracts that promised bounty money, regular pay, food, and...
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Never primarily intended for combat, the spontoon was introduced to armies as a new symbol of officer rank. In drill formation, officers saluted with their spontoons, and could also use them to convey orders....
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As Inspector General of the Continental Army, Baron Friedrich Von Steuben standardized the commands of the military’s fife and drum signal calls. But what was not standardized was the decoration...
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This warrior moves silently through the forest. He would have learned how to do this from years of practice stalking game. His lightly-soled moccasins enable him to feel the ground...
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From the beginning of European colonization of North America, communities along the Atlantic seaboard required able-bodied males to participate in the defense of their towns and colonies. These militia units...
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The performance of the colonial militia stunned the military professionals of Great Britain in the early days of the American Revolution. These civilians-turned-soldiers, often had some previous service experience in...
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Art of War: Major John Buttrick, Massachusetts Minuteman, 1775 - Art of Don Troiani John Buttrick was in command of a company of minutemen, 19 April 1775. From his position...
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Black Militiaman of the Spartanburg, S.C. Militia Spartanburg County, South Carolina bears a proud Revolutionary War heritage. The county has more Revolutionary War engagement sites than practically any other locale in...
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Legion of the United States (Wayne’s Legion) Infantryman Running, 1794, No.1 From 1792 to 1796, the United States Army was officially reorganized into combined arms units inspired by the classic...
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Legion of the United States (Wayne’s Legion) Infantryman Running, 1794, No.2 By the time the Legion of the United States was formed most of the surplus clothing and equipment remaining...
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Legion of the United States (Wayne’s Legion) Infantryman Standing Firing, 1794 Many of the details of the clothing and the equipment of the U.S. Army between 1792 and 1796 are still...
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Legion of the United States (Wayne’s Legion) Infantryman Advancing Loading, 1794 On 11 September 1792, Major General Anthony Wayne issued an order to distinguish the various sub-legions of the U.S. Army....
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On 1 January 1781, the Rhode Island regiment was formed by the consolidation of the understrength 1st and 2nd Rhode Island regiments at West Point, New York. The regiment was an...
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The 52nd Regiment’s grenadier company fought at the Battles of Lexington and Concord and took heavy casualties at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The 52nd Regiment’s grenadier company became part...
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84th Regiment Officer, 1777 In 1777, American forces burned Fort Frederick at Saint John, Nova Scotia to the ground. In response, Major John Small personally led the 84th Regiment against...
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Native Kneeling with Bow and Arrow Found in the south of Africa, the ranged weapon system known as the bow and arrow can be dated from around 72,000-60,000 years ago.The...
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Native Attacking with Trade Axe The single-handed axe the indigenous peoples of North America used for millennia was bladed with sharpened stone or deer antler. Spanish traders introduced “Biscayne” axes...
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Legion of the United States (Wayne’s Legion) Infantryman Casualty, 1794 The Battle of Fallen Timbers took place near the present-day city of Maumee, Ohio on 20 August 1794. A Confederation of Native...
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Legion of the United States (Wayne’s Legion) Infantryman Advancing Loading, 1794 Loading and firing a muzzle-loading smoothbore musket required about 12 different steps, or movements. The cartridge needed to be retrieved...
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The 43rd Regiment of Foot arrived in North America in 1774 and remained there through the American War for Independence. The Grenadier and Light Companies participated in the Battles of...
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On 25 Dec. 1755, a royal warrant established the 62nd (Royal American) Regiment of Foot as a new regiment in the American colonies. The regiment was renamed the 60th (Royal...
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British 60th Regiment of Foot Marching, 1760-67On 25 Dec. 1755, a royal warrant established the 62nd (Royal American) Regiment of Foot as a new regiment in the American colonies. The...
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Native Warrior with Bow and Arrow This Native Warrior carries a recurve bow. It differs from the straight-limbed bow in that its limbs curve away from the archer when unstrung....
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Native American Warrior Running Barefoot One of the observations Europeans made of Native American people during the early contact period was the personal decorations on both men and women in...
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Native American Warrior Getting Ready to Fire from Behind a Tree Stump As soon as Europeans established trade with the Native people of North America, textiles and metal objects were incorporated...
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Native American war parties were often small and traveled great distances, often through territory not well recorded by Europeans. Stealth was a trait learned from the elders for hunting game...
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During the 18th century British infantry regiments were identified by the color of the facings (collar, cuffs, and lapels) of their coats, and numbers or designs on their flags and...
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Art of War: Mile’s Pennsylvania State Rifle Regiment, 1776 - Art of Don Troiani Samuel Miles (1739–1805) was appointed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly on 13 March 1776 to be colonel of...
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Ambush Set, No.3 - Two Native Warriors Behind Rocky Outcropping An ambush along any well used track was always a possibility on the early frontier, and the Native people had a...
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Legion of the United States Infantry Drummer, 1794 Although in many ways the dress and training of the Legion of the United States was a departure from the traditional organization...